5kW Solar systems: Prices, output and payback

A complete guide to buying and installing a 5kW solar system.

The image shows a solar panel connected to an inverter with the sun shining on the panel. The adjacent text says '5kW solar system consists of an inverter and between 12 - 14 solar panels'.

5kW Solar system prices and costs

A 5kW solar system is still one of the most popular systems installed in Australia. The cost of a 5kW solar system varies depending on where you reside as there are three major price variables:

  • Retail competition in your local market
  • The solar rebate applicable to your geographic location
  • The quality of the system you wish to install

The table below shows the average price of a 5kW system in major capital cities:

5kW system prices in major cities:

CityAverage cost

The prices above include the full cost of installation, GST and all associated components. Figures shown include the federal solar rebate.

5kW solar inverter cost

The prices shown above also include the cost of the inverter for a 5kW system. The quality of the inverter is one of the variants in prices between different systems.

Cheap 5kW systems: Buyer beware!

You will often see ads for cheap 5kW systems showing prices below those we publish. If you decide to opt for a cheaper system, proceed with caution, but importantly, do your homework on the installer company. Do not compare solar power systems on price alone. The reason for the price difference can be explained by:

  • Lower quality components
  • Shorter or non-existent warranties
  • Quality of installation
  • After sales service

Value vs cost

We recommend that you consider the value of the system as opposed to the cost.

Daily output of a 5kW solar system

The average annual daily output of a 5kW solar power system varies according to sunlight conditions in your geographic location. The table below shows the average daily output of 5kW solar systems in different locations around Australia:

Average output of 5kW systems:

CityAverage output
Adelaide21.0 kWh
Brisbane21.0 kWh
Melbourne18.0 kWh
Perth22.0 kWh
Sydney19.5 kWh

Solar output for your property

The total amount of power a 5kW system can produce depends on your location, roof orientation, roof pitch and any shading issues on your rooftop. You can use our calculator for accurate measurement of the solar power output potential according to your site-specific conditions.

Output varies with the season

The output of a 5kW system varies according to the season. You should consider your power consumption during all seasons to ensure that you select the most suitable system size for your needs.

5kW systems: Savings and payback figures

Both the prices and output of 5kW systems vary according to location, therefore; so too does the payback and savings figures. A 5kW system in Melbourne, for example, can payback within six years while in Brisbane it can be less than five years. Below is a snapshot from our calculator which shows the savings and payback results for a 5kW system in Sydney:

The screenshot from our solar calculator shows results for a 5kW system in Sydney with annual savings of $1,049 and a payback period of 5 years.

Savings vs payback

We recommend considering lifetime savings of a 5kW solar system in conjunction with the payback period. The payback calculation tends to favour lower cost systems that may pay back faster, but do not necessarily generate greater savings over the long term. A better quality 5kW system will perform better and not deteriorate at the rate of a lower cost system.

5kW Solar system calculator

For a more accurate measurement of payback, savings and solar power output of a 5kW system for your rooftop, try our solar calculator. It displays results according to your electricity consumption, rooftop angle and orientation and solar radiation data for your postcode.

How many panels in a 5kW system?

A 5kW solar system will comprise of anywhere between 12 – 15 panels depending on the efficiency and output of the panels you select. If you buy better quality panels you need less of them. Each panel has dimensions of roughly 1m x 1.7m, so the total rooftop area required to house a 5kW system is between 20.4m2 to 25.5m2.

If you have room for more panels, you may consider upsizing to a 6.6kW solar system with more efficient modules.


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