Solar battery incentives and rebates: Your 2024 guide

Last updated: March 2024
Reading time: 3 minutes

Solar batteries can deliver compelling benefits, from backup power to increasing energy independence and household savings. But they don’t come cheap. The vector image shows a solar battery with a piggy bank above it representing rebates. Adjacent text reads 'Solar battery rebates.

Unlike the federal government solar rebate that applies to all household solar panels in Australia, solar battery rebates are only available in certain states.

See if your state government offers a solar battery rebate below.

State-by-state solar battery rebates

Solar battery rebates are only supported in some states.

The table and description below shows which states currently support solar battery incentives or rebates.

Solar and battery rebate

Solar battery rebates in Victoria

Eligible Victorian owner-occupiers can access Solar Victoria’s solar battery loans program.

This program offers an interest-free loan to the value of $8,800 for the purchase of a new solar battery.

To qualify, you need to meet the criteria below:

  • You have a combined household income of less than $210,000
  • You already have a solar system with inverter capacity of 5kW or greater
  • The value of your home is under $3 million
  • The battery appears on Solar Victoria’s approved battery list

Click here to learn more, and discover the complete list of solar rebates and incentives in Victoria.

Solar and battery rebate

Solar battery rebates in New South Wales

There are currently no solar battery rebates available in New South Wales.

Click here to discover the complete list of solar incentives in NSW.

Solar and battery rebate

Solar battery rebates in Queensland

Queenslanders can access the Battery Booster program when they install a battery for a new or existing home solar system.

There are two rebates available:

  • Standard rebate: Households earning less than $180,000 combined can receive up to $3,000.
  • Low-income rebate: Households where the highest earner made $66,667 or less in the last financial year can receive up to $4,000.

Click here to discover the complete list of solar incentives in QLD.

Solar and battery rebate

Solar Battery Rebates in South Australia

Residents of the City of Adelaide can receive a 50% discount, up to $2,000, on solar battery storage.

Click here to discover the complete list of solar incentives in SA.

Solar and battery rebate

Solar battery rebates in Western Australia

There are currently no solar battery rebates or incentives available in Western Australia.

Click here to discover the complete list of solar incentives in WA.

Solar and battery rebate

Solar battery rebates in Tasmania

Under the Energy Saver Loan scheme, Tasmanian residents can access interest-free loans of up to $10,000 to help with a range of energy-efficient investments, including home solar battery storage.

The loans require fortnightly or monthly repayments over a one to three year term.

Solar and battery rebate

Solar battery rebates in the Australian Capital Territory

Under the Sustainable Household Scheme, homeowners in the ACT can access interest-free loans of up to $15,000 to help with a range of energy-efficient investments, including home solar battery storage.

The loans can be paid off over 10 years.

Solar and battery rebate

Solar battery rebates in the Northern Territory

Eligible households in the NT can access the Home and Business Battery Scheme.

This program offers grants of up to $5,000 to install an inverter and battery with a new solar system or to add a battery and inverter to an existing system.

To apply, visit the official government program website.

Battery rebates for hybrid systems

If you purchase a panel and battery system, you will be eligible to receive the federal government rebate on the solar panels included in that system. This will help reduce the overall price of a hybrid system.

However, you won’t receive any additional rebate for adding battery storage to the system unless a specific battery rebate program is offered in your state or territory.

Battery rebates, system costs, and payback periods

Where solar panels are a worthwhile financial investment in most instances, the same cannot necessarily be said for solar batteries.

The payback period for a new hybrid system ranges between 7 – 13 years. Adding a battery to an existing system can affect this projection quite significantly.

Our solar and battery calculator can tell you the savings and payback figures for your desired system.

Next steps

If you’re planning the finances of a new panel and battery system, you might find these tools and guides helpful:

  • STC calculator: Find out how much the federal rebate can shave off your solar panels cost.
  • Complete solar rebates guide: We list all the rebates available to help you go solar, as well as other incentives for households looking to make further sustainable changes.
  • Solar battery costs: Discover how much solar batteries cost in 2024

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