Compare solar quotes from accredited installers

Get 3 free solar quotes from accredited installers that we have vetted. No obligation

What type of system do you
want to install?

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How it works?

Complete the form and submit your details to receive three, free quotes from installers that we have vetted.

What we’ll ask from you:
  • What type of system are you after?
  • What is your timeframe for going solar?
  • Are you interested in finance?
  • What type of roof do you have?
  • What is your install address?
  • Your contact name

We empower you to make the best decision

Solar Calculator is committed to helping you determine whether or not solar power is right for you. If you have come to this page in all likelihood you have decided that you do want to take the next step and get some detailed quotes for your proposed solar system. We’re here to help for that part too.

Get your free quotes now
  • No obligation to purchase
  • All installers are CEC accredited
  • Detailed form = accurate quote
  • Your privacy is protected
Happy clients

How it works

Find the right solar system for your home in three simple steps.

Tell us about your energy needs

Our DIY solar assessment tool will calculate the right solar system for your home, and show your potential savings.

Use calculator
Get 3 free quotes from installers we trust

We will match your needs with the most suitable installers from our handpicked list. They will send your personalised quotes.

Get free quotes
Compare quotes and decide what’s right for you

If you like the look of one of your quotes, your chosen installer will work with you directly to get your new solar system up and running.

Learn more about us

Solar price estimates and the installers

  • No obligation to purchase
  • All installers are CEC accredited
  • Detailed form = accurate quote
  • Your privacy is protected

Ballpark price estimates

We provide price quotes for the ballpark cost of solar installations, before referring your details on to installers. More accurate pricing is available using our calculator, as it uses the average solar panel price
in your state. If the prices seem expensive, then in all likelihood our quote service is not for you. Price equals quality; we only refer customers to companies that uphold the highest industry standards.

The best installers

Choosing a good installer, that supplies quality components, is paramount to the performance and longevity of your solar system. Solar Calculator is able to refer you to many of the leading solar installer companies
in Australia. If you choose to go ahead and request some quotes, you can be assured they’re from companies that are genuine and reliable.

Your quotes and next step

Our solar quote service

Solar Calculator is committed to helping you determine whether or not solar power is right for you. If you have come
to this page in all likelihood you have decided that you do want to take the next step and get some detailed quotes for your proposed solar system. We’re here to help for that part too.

There is no obligation

There is no obligation to proceed with any of the installers we recommend. Our solar quote service is 100% free. If you would like additional quotes, then we can help with that too.

Quotes for all things solar

We are able to have expert installers provide you with a quote for any of your solar power needs. Be it panels, solar batteries,
solar hot water or an off grid system.


We are committed to protecting your privacy. We use the personal information we collect about you to provide services to you. We at all
times, respect the privacy and confidentiality of the information provided by you. We will only share your details with the 3 solar installers that we invite to provide you with a quote.

We do not and will not sell or deal in personal or customer information. We may be required, in certain circumstances, to disclose information in good faith and where we are required to do so in the following circumstances:
by law or by an order of any court; to enforce the terms of use of this website; or to protect the rights, property or safety of our customers or third parties.

The next step

Complete the solar quote form and we’ll review your requirements and select the 3 most suitable, accredited solar installers that service your local area to provide you with a quote. The installers
will then get in touch with you within 48 hours and provide you with an estimate of the cost to supply and install your solar power system. We point you in touch with best solar installers,
so this is also an opportunity to ask them questions and seek their advice on the best solar system for your situation.


Are you ready for the benefits of solar?

Get 3 free quotes and start your journey towards making the switch.

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Calculate your solar saving

With our free and trusted solar calculator.